Israel negara yang selalu konflik dengan Palestina dalam memperebutkan wilayah kekuasaan tentunya membutuhkan banyak tentara. Bukan hanya pria tetapi wanitapun dilibatkan dalam misi ini. Dan ternyata walaupun mereka berprofesi sebagai tentara , kecantikan alami wanita Timur Tengah ini tetap bersinar. Neh loe lihat betapa cantik-cantiknya tentara Israel ini.
Excellent site. The information is really valuable and useful. It's amazing that you didn;t even missed micro details. Thanks for your effort to help others.
Excellent site. The information is really valuable and useful. It's amazing that you didn;t even missed micro details. Thanks for your effort to help others.
BalasHapusThat makes complete sense!It sounds like a great book. Thanks for sharing.
BalasHapusBenci banget sama israel